
Airsoft Events Being Planned For 2007

We are in the planning stage for Wisconsin airsoft events here at Airsoft Battle Zone with our newly sponsored team Wolf Recon for the year 2007. I will give you dedicated airsofters a preview of what is to come for 2007. Besides the first indoor cqb airsoft event being sponsored here in Wisconsin by Airsoft Battle Zone on January 14th, we are going to have a cook out here at the airsoft gun store in EauClaire, Wisconsin approximately the 1st Saturday of March to promote the sport of airsofting. To date we have 3 confirmed Wisconsin airsoft teams that will be present at the cook out to assist anyone who has questions or help with sign up for the free safety training airsoft course. Now there will be a lot of educational information on airsoft safety, airsofting events, rules, and a annual sign up for a free safety and training course which will only be offered once a year for free at our annual airsoft cook out, after that we will hold them once every 3 months and the fee will be $10.00 to $15.00 each person to cover materials. A few other ideas we are discussing include a spaghetti dinner at an airsofting event, an annual corn roast, annual pig roast and the 1st airsoft equipment, gear and airsoft gun rummage sale. These are just some of the ideas that are being tossed around for events for the airsofting sport for the year 2007. If any die hard airsofter has any further ideas please leave a comment to this post or visit Airsoft Battle Zone Forum section and post your ideas. Don't forget we will have 3 great playing fields to battle it out on, we will post every event on this blog to keep everyone informed so check back daily for all upcoming airsofting events or you can visit us online at Airsoft Battle Zone.

Mr & Mrs Armsdealer