
Airsoft Games During The Winter Months In Wisconsin

Now that the Winter months have attacked Wisconsin with frigged temperatures and snow, there are a few things you might want to know about airsoft gun game playing and your gas powered airsoft guns or aeg guns. Beginning with your gas hand guns and gas sniper rifles. The problem with these types of airsoft guns is that the gas gets cold and it causes you to lose power and range. Now the aegs are a little different, with a lot of feed back from our customers and from experience of my own it has been found that most upgraded aegs will stop working completely within the first hour of very cold weather and with a good chance of causing damage to your mechbox which if not careful can be very costly. At our last outdoor airsoft event it was 18 degrees for the day, all the airsoft players that had upgraded aeg airsoft guns found there gun stopped working within the 1st hour as well as my airsoft gun. Thank God I had extra airsoft guns that were not upgraded with me for other players as well as for myself to use. With everyone using non upgraded mechbox aegs for the remainder of the airsofting event was able to complete there mission of the game with no airsoft gun problems for the next 4 hours. For more information on your aeg or gas airsoft gun visit us online at Airsoft Battle Zone.

Mr & Mrs Armsdealer