
After Action Report: Operation Columbian Necktie

The results are finally in from Operation Columbian Necktie. For all who could not attend this bone chilling airsoft game event missed a great time.

People started arriving to the Country Jam grounds in EauClaire, Wisconsin on this bone chilling morning of December 3rd, 2006 at 0830 and continued arriving until about 9:45AM. We got everyone who attended this airsoft event registered and chronographed. Everyone was split into teams and the briefing began at 11:00AM. A little behind schedule, but we were short staffed due to the cold. Game started a little after 11:00AM with the Government forces rushing the crash site and taking several kilos of cocaine. The Cartel responded by clearing out all but one of the government forces before being killed off. Amidst the Chaos a civilian and 3 canines wandered into the area and had to be evacuated.
With the Government holding the crash site and its respawn point the Cartel decided to put all efforts on recovering the large pile of coke in possession of the Government at their base via the village. Quite a lot of close quarters fighting house to house with several "bang" kills recorded. The Angry Farmers also assisted in hassling the government forces, but due to their small numbers, they were quickly routed. The game progressed with the Government holding off the Cartel very well from their base. Ending at 12:30PM final score was 52 Kilo's for the Government and 32 for the Cartel.

We broke for a nice lunch for about an hour and a half and started the 2nd half at 1400.

The objective of mission two was to hold the road and the convoy of supplies on it.

The Cartel quickly established control and held the Government at bay for about 45 minutes. The Government Forces pooled their resources and out flanked the Cartel's position, gaining control of the road for the remainder of the time. Despite numerous valiant attempts by the Cartel to regain control, they had lost 4 players during the game. The Farmers jumped in to assist the Cartel, but battery issues on both sides led to more and more players dropping out.

Final score Government 102 points and Cartel 32 points.

A good clean game was played by all, with absolutely no accusations of cheating on either side. There were a few times players had to be reminded to pay extra attention to if they were being hit or not, but with all the bundling up necessary to play in this environment, I am confident they were all unintentional.

All in all it was a great event. It was our first game at the Country Jam grounds and I think its safe to say people enjoyed their experience and will be back to settle the score. I want to thank everyone who attended and exhibiting great sportsmanship, camaraderie and above all having fun. Its people like you that make the sport of airsofting great.

Mr & Mrs Armsdealer