
Operation Columbian Necktie After Action Report

The day has arrived for this long awaited airsofting event, Operation Columbian Necktie. The day begins with going to the Wisconsin Country Jam grounds to finish the set up for this airsofting event. We arrive at 8:30A.M. The temperature is 18 degrees outside with a slight cold wind, the teams begin to arrive all geared up and ready for some action. Once all the teams arrived they all gathered at the Airsoft Battle Zone booth to purchase their ammunition and to rent their favorite G&G and Tokyo Marui aeg airsoft guns. It now is 10:00A.M. The briefing begins and the teams are split into equal sides. The airsoft scenario is on, with everyone headed for there positions and I going to my position a heated truck, I await for action reports. As the game scenario proceeds I have the government troops coming to my very heated truck to report they have collected a lot of cocaine and the rebel team is fighting desperately to obtain it back into there positions. I feel they only reported to me to grab some heat as I would roll down my window. Threw out the 1st half of the airsoft scenario I would have rebel players come to me one at a time to drop off items for me to hold so they would not lose it in the buildings and woods they were playing in, but again I still think it was for the warmth of the truck. The rebel intelligent would inform me of there fight so desperately to obtain the cocaine back from the government forces. It now is high noon; with the airsoft team’s frost bit from the first half of the event but loving every second of it they are starving so off to lunch we all go. They all grabbed a nice hot bbq sandwich, potato salad, baked beans, chips and hot cider they all gathered around and discussed the afternoon strategies of winning this airsofting event. During lunch we enjoyed a side show of Wolf Recons team all doing a great dance and of course from my nice and hot vehicle I got some great recorded footage of this dance. Can you vision about 7 men all dressed in camo dancing it was a site to see. Ok lunch is over, on with the 2nd half of Operation Columbian Necktie, and of course with me back in my nice hot position in the truck the troops move into the woods where I can watch all the action. The shoot outs were amazing a couple of times I was even in the line of fire. Watching these teams sneaking and stalking there opponents was great and again I got some really great footage on video. However the rebel troops just could not get there cocaine back the government forces really held there ground. Well as the game went on the day began to end with the sun going down and it becoming colder when the teams could no longer see each other the scenario had ended, so you can bet with neither side winning by night fall and both sides fighting so hard for their cocaine there will be a part II. With everyone packing up there gear and all the chatting on how great this airsofting scenario was and how great the field was to play on and how they can not wait for the next event they realized they were froze and starving. So I kindly shuttled everyone to there vehicles a team at a time and off to Old Country Buffet we all went for some heat, food and great conversation. Our next airsoft event will be held January 14th, 2007 Operation: Another One Bites the Sawdust so feel free to come and battle it out with us. For all the information on this event visit us online at airsoftbattle zone.

Mr & Mrs Armsdealer