
Airsoft Battle Zone and Team Wolf Recon Become 1 Force

Today a very exciting event took place here at Airsoft Battle Zone and Team Wolf Recon became 1 force, let me explain what I mean by this. Most consumers look at a retailer as just a business making money, NOT the case here at Airsoft Battle Zone. We are in business not to only make a profit but to promote the airsofting sport in a positive and safe manner threw out our nation. Our goal is to work with communities all over the state of Wisconsin and the other 49 airsoft association communities to promote safety, education, sportsmanship, responsibility, and healthy fun in the airsofting sport. So with that all said my husband and I decided we would like to sponsor a team, so with sponsoring events, talking with different teams and listening to what there goals are as a team and watching the teams play we decided that Wolf Recon was the team for us. Moving forward we popped the question to the Wolf Recon Team letting them know that Airsoft Battle Zone would be Honored to Sponsor there team. So now we unite! Now what does this mean to the team and us, you ask? This means many different things with the first one being educating the communities on the safety and dangers of airsoft guns and playing the airsofting sport, working with schools of all grades, working with the police departments, and working with local military to accomplish this goal. The next is working with the youth in the inner city and out lying areas by teaming them up one on one with a Wolf Recon team member at airsofting events so they learn sportsmanship, safety, patience, responsibility and maneuvers among much much more. Another one of our goals is to have a safety and training class for all who would like to attend for all ages. Also we would like our Team Wolf Recon and Airsoft Battle Zone to be able to travel to other events in other states to promote the sport of airsofting by playing these events win or lose but to simply promote a positive attitude on the airsofting sport. You can bet one thing Wolf Recon will be the best and most positive airsofting team Wisconsin has ever seen because they have what it takes to do this and with Airsoft Battle Zone backing them and Wolf Recon backing us the Airsofting Sport will be much more productive and safe in 2007.

Mr & Mrs Armsdealer