
Airsoft Gun Game How To

So what is an airsoft game scenario? Airsoft scenario games are scripted airsoft games with a story line and props. Some people call them LARPS (live action role playing) but only highly scripted events like the Freefall Airsoft Game fit this definition. A standard scenario will typically be presented to players before the game in a format similar to the example below:

This Airsoft G20 Game is an ABZ FATPD Production.
EXAMPLE Airsoft Game Scenario...

Local media are reporting that a secret meeting of the G20 Airsoft World Dominators Group will be taking place at a remote location in the country of Fairchild the weekend of April 25th&26th 2009. Local Officials have remained tight lipped about the details of the arrival of the G20 Airsoft members but reports leaking out of the area claim that private security forces have already begun locking down the meeting location and the routes leading to it. It is widely rumored that the US secretary of State will be attending the meeting to ask these wealthy leaders to loan the US money in the form of investment capitol so the buyout bailout of America can continue on course. An unofficial source is claiming each member of this controversial group has enemies that would like to see them dead or severely welted. The US government claims to have no direct evidence of national atrocities committed or ordered by attendees of this meeting of alleged evil rulers, murderers and dictators and when questioned about possible action against the group the response from the White House was “Change is Good”. A group (labeled as terrorist by the US Government) called SOMWG (Sons Of Mothers With Guns) claims they will stop this meeting at all costs!

All Standard ABZ airsoft field rules will apply Please review here: http://www.airsoftbattlezone.com/airsoftfieldgamerules.html

Entry $20.00 Includes Lunch on Sunday
Free Camping

Briefing: 10:30-11:00

Phase One:11:00AM-2:00PM

Lunch: 2:00-3:00PM

Phase Two: 3:00PM-7:00PM
Continues like phase one until all G20 members have arrived or been eliminated.

Dinner 7:00PM-9:00PM

Night Game 9:00PM-12:00AM
Rumor has it that an all out attack may be imminent at the G20 meeting point.

Sunday April 26th

Game On:10:00AM
Scenario starting point will be determined by Saturday and night game results.

1:00PM-2:00 Lunch

2:00PM to 4:00PM or completion of scenario: Final Phase
Assault on the compound

4:00PM-4:30-Point tally/MVP Award decided by winning team vote
AGM Full Metal CQB M4

4000 free bb’s to the first person to translate all VIP names successfully.

Two Teams Needed:
Special Escort And Leader Security Contractors or SEALS
Sons Of Mothers With Guns or SOMWG

The SEAL force will always outnumber the SOMWG

Ammo Restrictions
Both teams may only carry one magazine per gun and no extra bb’s until unlimited ammo is purchased:
Example: I engage the enemy and empty my magazine, I must return to base to refill or change magazine. Exception: Dead players may give up magazine to you if they choose to help you!.You may carry as many guns as you wish.

The first 20 players to arrive will be given character cards and will be called to play the VIP role in numerical order as the game progresses. Once the mission is over you will return to your main role. If you receive card #1 you will be the first member to be escorted and hopefully arrive at the designated location safely. The game then resets to cardholder #2's listed starting location.

VIP’s in order of arrival:
Name Reward/Payment Arrival

#1 Ogudaktiga Bankir 10 million dollars Private Jet/Vehicle Escort
#2 Dalig Pengar 5 million dollars Helicopter/Vehicle Escort
#3 Sinnessjuk despot 5 million dollars Helicopter/on foot
#4 Doden Lakare 10 million dollars Private Jet/Vehicle Escort
#5 Mord Kung 15 million dollars ?
#6 Skeppare Pozudnost 1 million dollars ?
#7 Giriga Ledare 7 million dollars Private Jet/Parade Village
#8 Rika Linjal 1 million dollars ?
#9 Pirat Hjalte 1 million dollars ?
#10 Djavul Ladare 1 million dollars ?
#11 Mordare Landslaget 1 million dollars ?
#12 Tortyr Gud 25 million dollars Private Jet/Vehicle Escort
#13 Mork LonnMord 10 million dollars Private Jet/Vehicle Escort
#14 Prins Krympling 1 million dollars ?
#15 AllManna Giriga 1 million dollars ?
#16 Slavej Foraren 1 million dollars ?
#17 Skalle Kross 10 million dollars ?
#18 Sjal Skapare 2 million dollars ?
#19 Befalhavaren Kaos 25 million dollars Private Jet/Vehicle Escort
#20 US Secretary Of State 30 million dollars Helicopter/Press Brief#20 AKA Ogudaktiga Janta

The amount of Reward/Payment value of each VIP will determine each sides force size.
EXAMPLE: VIP worth one Million dollars = 2 to1 security force ratio.VIP worth 7 million would be 3:1, 10 million 4:1 with increasing security forces for higher payment.

All money =1 point per million dollars for team. Team with the most money at the end wins. Each team captain must keep one million dollar note in game play at all times. This can be looted from the player who is holding it and team captain must put 1 million dollars back in play immediately. All other money is in safe keeping and can only be used to buy weapons cache’s by team captain.

Both Teams start with 1 million dollar credit.

Available to SOMWG
1 million dollars = mobile respawn point-A ribbon that can be tied to any location to create a respawn point…Can be moved unlimited times.
1 million dollars =Unlimited Ammo Supply
1 million dollars each=SAML-Single Shot-when fired a card will be drawn 1 thru 10 is a miss JQKA is a direct hit with survivors.
5 million dollars each=SAMM-Multiple- when fired a card will be drawn 1 thru 10 is a direct hit with kill/all money awarded JQKA is a miss
5 million dollars=Unlimited Road mines=3 SEAL players eliminated must return to main base wait 1 minute…Closest 3 to mine. Mine kills do not count until convoy is 15 feet or closer to device.

Available to SEALS
1 million dollars = mobile respawn point-A ribbon that can be tied to any location to create a respawn point…Can be moved unlimited times.

1 million dollars =Unlimited Ammo Supply
1 million dollars each= Artillery Attack/ 50% of SOMWG eliminated return to base 1 minute respawn. Ref will choose
5 million dollars each= Helicopter Gunship Airstrike/ entire SOMWG team must report to base and respawn once all members are back and 1 minute has elapsed.
5 million each use=Patriot missile battery when fired a card will be drawn 1thru 10 threat eliminated JKQA miss.

Respawn Rules for both teams

Instant respawn when at base or mobile respawn point with exception to artillery, gunship or mine attacks.

Night game scenario to be announced, but will be worth 10 million dollars to winning team.

Hope to see you there!

This is a good example of how an airsoft gun game is rolled out to the players. It clearly tells how the story will progress and has an itinerary of each phase. You should also be very clear on any special field boundary, FPS, weapon or magazines restrictions your game may have. Notice the half hour briefing time? This is so all the safety rules of the field can be explained to players before the game begins. In todays scenarios games can follow a military, Sci Fi, WWII, or even roaring 30's type story line as the airsoft period weapons are now readily available in the USA.

*Please note if you do not have commercial insurance for your airsoft field you should not charge for games you host.

Till next time