
Airsoft Game Excitement

Hey, whats with all the excited hype about airsoft scenario games? Have you ever been to a large airsoft game?

Once you have you will know what all the excitement is. These airsoft games are an adrenaline junkies best friend. OK, so this guy in the airsoft picture to the right does not look too excited....BUuuuuT when you consider he was playing a two day airsoft game and this was the morning of day two, then you begin to see this as a different picture. Airsoft is considered an extreme sport and many of the scenarios are designed to re-create some of the stresses and extreme conditions of real world battle scenarios without the causalities. Twelve, Twenty Four, and even 36 hour game missions are not unheard of. The games typically follow a MILSIM (military simulation) storyline but games that follow world war 2 and sci-fi storylines as well as western, gangster and zombie scenarios are becoming more popular.

Typically these Live Action Role Playing or Airsoft LARP's will have dress code requirements for players. A milsim game may require players to wear one type of camouflage such as BDU, ACU or marpat. Gangster style airsoft larps may require people to come dressed as they wish as many different role players are needed for this style of game. Our Wisconsin airsoft games calender list games that have no dress codes and some that do. Many of the ABZ free airsoft games feature open game dates where players and event organizers can try out their own mini list of individual airsoft game requirements.

teams love to sport their gear and are happy at games to provide airsoft safety and field information as well. Many of these players have had and still have thousands of dollars worth of gear and their hands on opinions and reviews can save a new player allot of time when shopping or searching for a durable The amount of airsoft weapons and gear that is used and displayed at these events is enough to boggle the mind. Airsoft guns of every style and model are used and players love to share information about airsoft manufacturers and Airsoft gun field performance. Wisconsin airsoftairsoft gun. Some brands of airsoft equiptment such as Inokatsu are not widely known, although the M60 shown here is well known among airsoft gamers. So now you know what all the hype is, and why players get so excited about these games. Its a chance to be the hero or the villian and fully play the part you dream of, complete with simulated kills, battlefield sounds, skilled opposition or exotic belly dancers. (yes belly dancers have been included in an airsoft game:) Regardless what style airsoft game you choose to play its an adrenaline rush to have a carload of gangsters pull up to your hideout with airsoft tommy guns blazing while you and your mafia try to sneak out the back to avoid capture or worse. How about an attempt at exploiting the well guarded mines of a distant moon that is protected by the Federation Alliance Forces. The great thing is even if you lose the war or the battle the most you go home with is a bruised ego and some airsoft bb welts. This still beats sitting on the couch doing the same thing virtually, but only exercising your thumbs. If you are interested in finding out more about these airsoft games visit our Wisconsin airsoft forum and meet some of the players today.