
Airsoft CQB Games... Indoor Games

Airsoft close quarters battles or CQB games are held mostly indoors although I have played many cqb outside games as well. I am going to talk mainly about the safety precautions that must be taken to provide a safe indoor, airsoft gaming environment. First you need to be aware that airsoft bb's will damage most interior wall coverings like drywall and paneling. Airsoft bb's will also damage wood, break windows, light fixtures, light bulbs and other indoor home decorations. With that in mind one of the simplest DIY setups for cqb is in Altoona,Wisconsin and we like to call it becks basement of d00m. This area is setup with a grid work of plastic tarps strung on cables to create interchangeable pathways and cubicles that can be changed by simply sliding the tarps along the cables to make new pathways and dead ends. The lights have all been covered with steel 1/8 inch hardware cloth to prevent the fixtures from taking bb hits. We just played a game there last week as recent Midwest snowstorms have kept us inside. We follow the same cqb rules and guidelines for these smaller games as we would for a large scenario game at our air soft outdoor field. One rule that is mandatory for airsoft close quarters battles is full face mask and full skin coverage. In a cqb game the whole idea is to be stealthy and sneak up on your opponent to get the "jump on them". Please keep in mind that as the name implies "close quarters" is just that, proper air soft safety precautions must be taken to assure a safe and fun game for everyone as many BB hits will be from 5 feet or less. Feel free to look over and use any safety tips and suggestions from our wisconsin airsoft games page. The rules that have been established for our outdoor airsoft game field are proven to promote safe and injury free games. Typically the attack and defend type scenarios work best inside but the story line possibilities are endless. I am a big fan of using my GBB pistol inside, but many of the players choose to use AEG's. Regardless of which airsoft model you wield during the game, well thought out safety precautions will assure you its as fun as it sounds for all players.