
Airsoft Gun Safety Suggestions

There are a lot of pros and cons about the sport of airsofting. Here you will find some common sense airsofting safety tips.

1) Full face mask the impact standard for these are ANSI z.87.1. rated. It is very important to protect your eyes and teeth.

2) Make sure you have full skin cover; these little plastic pellets can sting on bare skin.

3) Make sure you are at least 15 feet away from your opponent before firing your airsoft gun.

4) Never remove the orange tip from your airsoft gun it is Federal Law.

5) Always treat your airsoft gun as a real weapon.

6) If you’re transporting your airsoft gun always have it in a gun case.

7) Never display your airsoft gun in the open public. Meaning do not play or run down a side walk with it in your hand.

8) Do not airsoft in any public place..Parks, campgrounds, and school play grounds ECT...

9) Never take any airsoft gun to school.

10) Always play airsoft games or target shoot only on private property or designated playing fields. Check with your local and state laws on airsoft guns and the sport of airsofting before playing due to the laws are different at every local and state level.

11) If you commit a crime with an airsoft gun you will be charged as if it was a real gun.

These are just a few of common sense safety measures you should take for airsoft guns and the sport of airsofting. Remember most of your AEGS, gas airsoft guns and spring airsoft guns look like the real guns most of the better brands are all 1 to 1 scale to the real firearm so please treat it as a real firearm. IT MEANS THE FUTURE OF THE AIRSOFTING SPORT!!

Mr & Mrs Armsdealer