
Operation Colombian Necktie

Airsoft Battle Zone is sponsoring our 3rd. Wisconsin airsoft event.
Hosted by EauClaires Centurion Airsoft Team:

Operation Colombian Necktie Background:

The South American country of Colombia is one of the highest exporters of cocaine in the world. Its home to many of the world's drug cartels. The most powerful cartel in Colombia is the Cali Cartel. The Cali Cartel operates mainly in the mountainous region of Colombia due to inaccessibility to rival drug cartels and the Colombia government.

The Colombian government usually has enough problems of there own without starting conflicts with powerful drug cartels, but this year is different. The Colombian people are tired of living in fear of the drug cartels that give Colombia the highest kidnapping and murder rates on the continent. Elections start this spring and the political party currently in power is fearful of the people electing a new party into office. The Colombian government, fearful of losing office, has gone on the offensive against the cartels. Since the Colombian military is not strong enough to take on all the drug cartels at once, they have chosen to cut the head off the snake and put the Cali Cartel out of business. The assumption is that if the Colombia government can remove the leading cartel, the remaining cartels will lay low in fear of repercussion. This will make the Colombian people satisfied, which will allow the current government to stay in office.


The Colombian military has been given the task of stopping the flow of drugs out of the mountainous region and to put the Cali Cartel out of business by any means necessary.

A military patrol, equipped with Russian built SA-7 shoulder fire anti-aircraft rockets, shot down a Cali Cartel transport jet just after it took off from its airstrip. The Colombian army has been given the orders to go into the area of the crash site to secure as many kilos of cocaine as possible. The politicians are on the horn with military commanders and are trying to get them to over run the cartel as soon as possible. The Cali Cartel will be in the area locating the crash sight and will also be attempting to retrieve their cocaine. They will not hesitate to engage anybody in the area and will fight to the death in order to stay in business.

Due to this being such a high profile conflict the Colombian intelligence agency has provided satellite images of the area, which includes the crash sight, known drug labs in the area, and the Cali Cartels headquarters. The intelligence agency also informed the military that there be a small guerrilla faction in the area that is an equal opportunity faction, they will kill anyone for anything and are deemed to be extremely hostile.

If you like the airsofting sport and like live action role playing, come join us on Dec. 3rd 2006. Here are all the details:


When and Where:

Sunday, December 3rd 2006
At the Country Jam Fair Grounds just outside of Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
Located Just off I-94 and Hwy 37
Entry Information

$10 entry fee, wrist bands issued
$5 for lunch, will have drinks and energy drinks for sale
Must meet qualifications for your age (listed below)
Age Qualifications
ALL players must sign liability waiver
Players 16+ must have a valid photo ID to enter
Players 16+ must bring and turn over a photo copy of ID
Players 15- must be accompanied by a parent or guardian (the WHOLE time)
Game Rules
All guns must be under 400 FPS, no exceptions
Bio degradable bb's only
Any hit is a kill
No medics
Full face cover, example a balaclava and goggles
Mesh goggles acceptable
15ft surrender rule if in line of sight (will be explained further)
Pyrotechnics are not allowed
Dead rags recommended
No discharging of guns in staging area
Muzzle control will be enforced
Field Rules
No littering
Don't open anything locked
Try to leave things how you found it
Must stay in bounds, anyone out of bounds is "dead"
If anything becomes broken, please inform event organizers

Hope to see you there.

Mr & Mrs Armsdealer