
Airsoft Game Props and Objectives

As owners of a popular Wisconsin airsoft store and game field, people ask us all the time..."Don't you get bored just running around and shooting people with plastic projectiles every weekend" I usually answer with a shocking "No.... I love to shoot people" and the props and scenarios we use keep it from becoming just another boring game of cops and robbers.

I know, airsoft guns ARE props, but you also need game objectives to capture, fight over and rescue. Sometimes we use fictional people such as the "Downed Pilot" who is behind enemy lines and must be protected and tactically extracted from some unknown hostile location . Other times it is an object or multiple objects that must be retrieved and brought back to your command center to score points for your airsoft team. The props you use can have a huge effect on the outcome of the game itself. Interactive style props, like a time bomb that must be found and brought back to a specific location within a predetermined allotment of time can have a huge effect on the final outcome of a game. These devices simulate explosions with bells or loud sonic tones. Large objects like ammunition caches or hidden secret weapons that must be recovered, protected and returned to a base reward players with points if they achieve the objective in a timely manner. Items that have to be recovered could include vehicles, Gems, Computer Equipment or even Satellite Dishes. Sometimes we use a single device separated into parts that must each be recovered to assemble a larger device like a big WMD puzzle. Ever try and find a blue Lego block on 40 acres of property?...Now try and search for it while 20 armed airsoft players are "Hunting You" at the same time.

Where do I get these airsoft props? Make them up or build them yourself from things laying around your house and garage, or if you are really creative build them from items like sonic personal alarms, or old military surplus ammo cans., everyone loves a secret agent bomb briefcase. The guys over at the MOA (A WW2 re-enactors group) like to use plywood cutouts of animals like pigs and sheep...If your forces cannot score enough critters during the airsoft game, then your troops are weakened from starvation. Bricks spray painted gold and packed in milk crates make a great Fort Knox style treasure. With little stretch of the imagination you can easily create story lines that are action packed and exciting for airsoft gamers of all ages.

Another great airsoft game tip is to try out different themed scenarios games instead of the same old war re-creationist games. Operation Plague (A zombie style game) and Freefall game ( A Sci-Fi airsoft game) are both very popular at the Airsoft Battle Zone game field and feature very unique airsoft props and objectives for players to exercise their brains with...while hunting human players with airsoft guns...My favorite pastime. Happy Hunting....