
FATPD Free Airsoft Games

Our airsoft game field began hosting free airsoft games that we call FATPD. This acronym stands for Free Airsoft Training Practice Days and the games have been quite popular. One of the most recent scenarios was the CDW airsoft game and as the picture below show many Wisconsin airsoft game enthusiasts came out for this mid November airsoft game.
We will continue to host games at our field right through the winter months and have many game dates already listed on the Wisconsin Airsoft Game Calendar. Winter airsoft games in Wisconsin can be brutal in terms of weather but it helps that our Wisconsin airsoft field has over 5000 square feet of heated indoor airsoft game space. Rental guns are available at the games and include both AEG's and Gas Pistols.
Half the fun of airsoft games is player participation in the scenario's. For this Colombian cartel simulated airsoft game these players from the GOPMAT airsoft team dressed the part. Costumes are not a requirement for airsoft game attendance but it does help add to the overall atmosphere of the game. Some players will put much time and effort into each game they choose to attend. Regardless of how you dress we hope to see you at a Wisconsin winter airsoft game sometime in the near future.

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